Creamy Maharashtrian Chole – Eat With Your Eyes


Ingredients: 1 can chick peas (I use Goya),1 medium onion- diced,1 beefsteak tomato- diced,1 tablespoon black mustard seeds,1 tablespoon garam masala,3 cloves garlic- crushed and minced,1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger,1/4 cup sour cream (I used reduced-fat Breakstones Brand or use Vegan Substitute),1 tablespoon turmeric,1 tablespoon chili powder (or to taste),1 tablespoon couple water,salt- to taste,coarse black pepper- few grinds,1/2 bunch cilantro- minced,1 red onion- cut into thick rounds (for garnishing),4 sweet peppers- for garnishing (optional),PAM- original,1 tablespoon vegetable oil

  1. In the skillet over medium-high heat spray with PAM and pour oil.
  2. Add mustard seeds, and cook until they are fragrant and pop about 30 seconds to a minute.
  3. Add onions, garlic and ginger and saute for about 2-3 minutes until slightly brown/golden.
  4. Add the diced tomatoes and saute for a few more minutes.
  5. Add garam masala, turmeric, chili powder. Once the onions are caramelized and the tomatoes soft, add the chickpeas and combine with the onion-tomatoe mixture until well coated.
  6. After about 2-3 minutes add the sour cream and cook until everything is well combined.
  7. Add salt and pepper, taste. Cook until chickpeas are soft and flavored well. Make sure to taste a few times for salt and masala. If its too thick, add a few tbsp of water (consistency should be creamy, gravy-like, not too thick).
  8. Once the gravy has thickened, chickpeas are cooked well and youve tasted for salt/masala, remove from heat and mix in 3/4 of the reserved chopped cilantro. Clean the pan and set back on medium-high heat. Spray with PAM and the thick red onion slices and small sweet peppers.
  9. Saute on medium-high heat until onions are charred and soft (without breaking circular shape).
  10. Place chole in a nice serving dish and top with remaining cilantro, onions and peppers.
  11. Serve with Basmati rice, chapati or naan.


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