Cups to Grams Conversion Chart

I’ve created this Cups to Grams Conversion Chart is meant to help make baking easier!

One of the most common questions I get is how to make my recipes if you don’t use “cup” measurements. So I am here to help with this handy chart!

Cups to Grams Conversion Chart

I want you to PIN, BOOKMARK, SAVE, DOWNLOAD this chart to save for future reference!

Or if you’re old school you can even print it out! I have the free printable HERE: CupsToGrams

I have always cooked using cup measurements, but completely understand how frustrating that must be to those who don’t. I will refer to this chart in my recipes moving forward.

I have also included ounces in the chart as well, because we all know that weight measurement is the most accurate way to measure ingredients. I am lazy and don’t always weigh ingredients, which is something I need to be better at doing. Baking can be so precise, and I want all your cookies to turn out perfectly!

Hope it helps!

Again, if you want to print this out, I have the free printable available here –> CupsToGrams

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