Lemon Madeleines – Eat With Your Eyes


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter, melted,Confectioners sugar,6 Egg yolks,1 cup flour,1 tablespoon Fresh lemon juice,2 tablespoons Grated lemon rind,cup Sugar

  1. Preheat oven to 375F. Butter 12 madeleine molds and set aside. (Molds, not pans.) Beat egg yolks and sugar until pale yellow and ribbons form when beaters are lifted (5 minutes). Fold in lemon rind and lemon juice; fold in flour and mix well.
  2. Place half of batter in a small bowl. Fold in butter. Gently fold both batters together.
  3. Place 1 level tablespoon batter among the molds and bake until center tests done (about 15 minutes).Cool on wire rack. Sift confectioners sugar over tops before serving.Store in airtight container until serving.Makes 1 dozen./COOKIES


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