PB Cup Stuffed Brownie Bites – Eat With Your Eyes


Ingredients: 2 cups granulated sugar,1 ¾ cups flour,5 eggs,1 teaspoon salt,1 cup vegetable oil,1 teaspoon vanilla,½ cup cocoa powder,½ cup semi sweet chocolate chips (1 cup if you don’t want to stuff the brownie bites),About 60 mini Reese’s peanut butter cups

  1. Whisk together sugar, flour, eggs, salt, oil, vanilla, and cocoa powder until well combined. Stir in the semi sweet chocolate chips. Make sure to not over mix!
  2. Prepare a mini muffin pan with cooking spray and preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. Scoop batter into the pan.
  4. Fill the slots up about – of the way up, so there’s a little room for the peanut butter cup stuffed brownie bites to rise.
  5. Cook for 8 – 10 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out almost clean. It’s ok if these are slightly underdone.
  6. Once the brownies are done, gently push a peanut butter cup in the center of the brownie.
  7. Let these set in the pan for a couple of minutes.
  8. Remove from the pan and let them cool the rest of the way on a cooling rack!


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