Simple Spicy Green Breakfast Tacos Recipe

Simple Spicy Green Breakfast Tacos

Happy Friday, are you ready for breakfast taco #3?

Last but certainly not least is the breakfast taco recipe that I’ve made sooo many times it would be impossible to count. These are filled with eggs, (lots of) spinach, avocado, sliced serrano, and very generous scoops of fresh tomatillo salsa. They’re a fresh, spicy, healthy way to start the day!

If you missed Monday and Wednesday’s posts, this is Meal Prep Breakfast Taco week! Go read the first installments here and here if you love tacos in the morning as much as I do. Or just skip to below and make this recipe ?

Simple Spicy Green Breakfast Tacos

From the ingredients that I prepped at the beginning of the week, I used:
– the fresh tomatillo salsa
– spinach and other fresh ingredients I bought at the beginning of the week

It’s Friday, and I’m keeping things simple. My strategy was to use the roasted vegetables in recipes #1 and #2, because I find that they’re best used within 2-3 days. The tomatillo salsa, however, will last up to about 2 weeks, so I was able to save that from the first recipe. Fresh spinach, avocado, and peppers keep well in the fridge, so I felt like I could use them whenever.

Simple Spicy Green Breakfast Tacos

I hope you enjoyed this little breakfast taco series! Here’s a Downloadable PDF Grocery List that includes the ingredients for all 3 recipes.

Oh! and if you have any ingredients from any of the recipes left over: toss them all together in a bowl, add some black beans, and make a nice taco salad!

Simple Spicy Green Breakfast Tacos


  • 5 cups fresh spinach
  • 3 large eggs
  • 4 tortillas, charred or warmed
  • ½ avocado, sliced
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Roasted Tomatillo Salsa, for serving
  • sliced serrano peppers, optional
  • microgreens, optional
  • lime wedges, if desired for serving
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  1. Heat a medium nonstick skillet over medium heat. Brush with oil, and saute the spinach with pinches of salt and pepper, until wilted. Work in batches, if necessary.
  2. Wipe out the skillet and scramble the eggs. Brush the skillet lightly with olive oil and bring to medium heat. Add the eggs, let them cook for a few seconds and then stir and scramble the eggs until just set.
  3. Assemble the tacos with the eggs, spinach, avocado slices, and scoops of tomatillo salsa. Top with sliced serranos and microgreens, if desired.



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