Cold Brewed Iced Tea Recipe on Closet Cooking

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
Easy peasy, 5 minute, overnight, cold brewed iced tea that’s perfect for hot summer days!

Cold brewed coffee has been all the rage the last few years and it turns out that you can cold brew tea as well! I am a fan of tea and one hot summer day I was enjoying a cup of iced tea while making a batch of cold brew coffee and I wondered if tea could also be cold brewed; a quick search of the internet revealed that it can! The best part is that it’s so easy to make! You simply place the tea leaves (or bags) in water and let it sit for a few hours to overnight, either at room temperature or in the fridge before straining out the leaves and enjoying! I actually enjoy the cold brewed tea better than the hot brewed tea! The cold brewed tea is a little mellower, it has less bitterness and in general it tastes fresher! My favourite tea’s to cold brew are white teas, green teas and oolong teas but black teas also work great! I like to assemble a few of them in masons jars with lids and throw them in the fridge one night to enjoy, cold, straight from the fridge over the next few days; it’s so convenient! The next time you want an iced tea this summer, try cold brewing it!

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
Before cold brewing:

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
After cold brewing:

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
Three kinds of tea (from left to right): Oolong Tea, Green Tea, Kukicha Green Tea

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
Frosty, cool and refreshing!

Cold Brewed Iced Tea

Cold Brewed Iced Tea
Cold Brewed Iced Tea

Cold Brewed Iced Tea

Prep Time: 5 minutes Chill Time: 24 hours Total Time: 24 hours 5 minutes Servings: 4(4 1 cup servings)

Easy peasy, 5 minute, overnight, cold brewed iced tea that’s perfect for hot summer days!

  • 2 cups water
  • 4 teaspoons loose leaf tea (or two tea bags)
  • 2 cups ice
  1. Place the water and tea in a container, seal and let chill in the fridge overnight before straining out the tea leaves and adding ice.

Tip: This is amazing with white teas, green teas, oolong teas, black teas, etc.
Option: Replace the ice with 2 cups water.
Option: Add sweetener like honey!
Option: Add flavours like lemon juice, fresh mint, fresh basil, etc.!

Nutrition Facts: Calories 0, Fat 0 (Saturated 0, Trans 0), Cholesterol 0, Sodium 9mg, Carbs 0 (Fiber 0, Sugars 0), Protein 0

Nutrition by: Nutritional facts powered by Edamam

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