Annnnd it’s Rainbow Roll-Up time!
If Rainbow Roll-Up doesn’t give you some association with a packaged, neon-colored fruit leather situation all wrapped up in a little paper coil, then who are you even? I’m having a moderately hard time separating these from the single greatest snack food of my childhood.
This is not that kind of rainbow roll-up, though. This is a rainbow roll-up that can earn the word DETOX in front of it, thanks to yummy and nutritional powerhouse foods like: carrots. chickpeas. curry. red cabbage. peanuts. dark leafy greens.
See, mom? I can eat like an adult after all.
How to make our rainbow roll-ups:
These Rainbow Roll-Ups were inspired by these roll ups which are similarly detox-friendly and equally as delicious but a little lacking in the beautiful colors department. I actually made THOSE roll-ups for a blog post, but then realized: I think I’d like to make a new version of these, and I’d like to give it some more color and crunch.
And maybe a little curry hummus.
And maybe a little (LOT) of peanut sauce for dipping.
If I had to tell the story of my experience with Detox Rainbow Rolls in photos, it would go like this:
And it would include one thousand heart-eye emojis.
That first bite? with the creamy, salty-sweet peanut sauce and the crunchy, cool veggies and the smear of thick, spicy curry hummus? Yes. It is every bit as satisfying as you’re imagining it.
Desk-lunch awesomeness is yours!
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Detox Rainbow Roll-Ups with Peanut Sauce
Prep Time: 45 minutes (lots of chopping)
Total Time: 45 minutes (lots of chopping)
Rainbow Roll-Ups:
- carrots, cut into matchsticks
- cucumbers, cut into matchsticks
- red cabbage
- curry hummus
- cooked rice or quinoa (optional)
- peanuts and cilantro
- collard greens (leaf)
Peanut Sauce:
- 3/4 cup peanut butter
- 1/4 cup soy sauce (tamari or coconut aminos if gluten free)
- 1/4 cup rice vinegar
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 clove garlic
- Prep: Trim the stem/spine of the collard leaf – don’t cut it completely off, but just cut it down so that it’s nice and thin and pliable.
- Roll: Arrange your fillings on the collard leaf. Fold the ends in and roll from front to back, trying to keep everything in there nice and tight. Watch video for a visual example.
- Peanut Sauce: Run all the ingredients through a blender or food processor. Voila!
You can steam the collard leaves if you want to make them more pliable. I also found that just running the leaf under hot water or placing hot rice on it was enough to soften it just a little bit.
These aren’t the greatest for making ahead, since the hummus can get a little watery once it sits with the veggies. I recommend prepping everything and then keeping it in the fridge and rolling a fresh one each morning or just before you eat it. They will hold together nicely with toothpicks!
The post Detox Rainbow Roll-Ups with Peanut Sauce appeared first on Pinch of Yum.