My Grandmother’s Migas – Eat With Your Eyes


Ingredients: 1 handful bacon rashers,1 hunk of dense crumb stale bread, diced in chickpea-sized pieces,2 chorizos for frying, diced,8 garlic,2 tablespoons diced Spanish jamón,2 teaspoons sweet Spanish pimentón,3 teaspoons salt,Virgin olive oil for frying

  1. Pick the hunk of stale bread and dice it carefully.
  2. Put the diced bread in a large bowl. Then sprinkle the bread with water, enough to slightly moisten it.
  3. Sprinkle the salt and toss the bread to evenly distribute the salt. Do the same with the pimentn. Then cover with a damp cloth and leave to rest overnight.The next day, pour 6-8 tablespoons of olive oil in a deep frying pan and put it on medium heat.
  4. Cut the garlic cloves in half, without peeling.Fry the garlic until lightly browned, just to flavor the oil, then discard.
  5. Add the crumbled or diced chorizo, the ham and the bacon. Stir-fry till they’re almost done.Tip the diced bread on the pan. Toss and turn around for the bread to thoroughly soak the oil.Go on tossing for 3-4 minutes, on medium heat. The migas should be lightly toasted and crisp on the outside, while they should remain soft in the inside.


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