Raspberry Jam Swirled Buns – Eat With Your Eyes


Ingredients: 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted, you will need extra flour for kneading and such,2 1/4 tsp (1 envelope) instant dry yeast,1/2 tsp salt,5 tbsp white sugar,2 cups milk, lukewarm,3 eggs,1 tsp vanilla extract,1/2 cup vegetable oil,lemon zest from one lemon,1 cup raspberry jam, 1 teaspoon per each bun,about 1/4 cup butter (for brushing between buns and baking pan),1 egg + 1 tablespoon water for egg wash

  1. In a large bowl combine all your dry ingredients. These include your flour, salt, yeast, and sugar.
  2. In the same bowl we’ll toss in eggs, lemon zest, oil, vanilla, and milk. It’s vital that your milk be lukewarm (105 F – 115 F). I microwaved mine in a pyrex measuring cup for 1:30 on high.
  3. Mix it all up with a wooden spoon until it becomes a ball and the dough tries to pull away from the sides.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  5. Sprinkle the dough with flour and put it in a clean bowl to rise. It’ll take about an hour to double in size.
  6. When your dough has doubled, punch the air out and put it on a very lightly dusted countertop.
  7. You want to roll it out enough to divide the dough into 30 pieces.
  8. Take a piece of dough and roll it out so it’s 1/4 cm thick. Then put a teaspoon of jam in the center.
  9. Then you want to fold the dough in half encompassing the jam in the center.
  10. Pinch the edges.
  11. Finally take the two ends and fold them together. This will create that signature swirled interior.
  12. Brush the bottom of the pan with butter, and if you want the sides as well.
  13. Place the seam side down and the smooth top facing up.
  14. I could only fit 24 in my 9 by 13 inch pan. If you can find a way to fit all 30, whether that be using a larger pan or stuffing them in more aggressively, that would be even better.
  15. Brush the tops with a little egg wash, just an egg with a tablespoon of water.
  16. Bake for 25 minutes until they’re golden.
  17. Buns are meant to be eaten hot, straight from the oven while they’re fluffy and steamy.
  18. Serve with a dusting of powdered sugar. Or slice in half and toast with butter. And as always, Chow!


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