Honey is an amazing sweetener and it’s fun to add flavours to it, like jalapeno; that magical sweet and spicy combo! This jalapeno honey is so easy to make! You simply add sliced jalapenos to honey, bring to a simmer, and enjoy! Store it in the fridge in a sealed container and have it whenever you want! I like jalapeno honey on pancakes, on waffles (with or without fried chicken!), on bagels with cream cheese, in sandwiches, etc.
Jalapeno Honey
Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes Servings: 16(1 cup or 16 1 tablespoon servings)
Spicy jalapeno infused honey!
- 1 cup honey
- 1 jalapeno, sliced
- Place the honey and jalapenos in a small sauce pan and heat over medium until it just starts bubbling before turning off the heat and letting it cool.
Note: Store in a sealed container in the fridge.
Note: I like to use about 4 jalapenos!
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