These are a few of my favorite things.
All on one plate! Bacon and brussels sprouts fried rice topped with a runny egg. Oh perfection. I can’t even stand it!
Shortly after I had Max, Eddie and I went through the phase of making a version of fried rice with chicken every single week. I absolutely CRAVED it. Sometimes I made it twice a week. I guess we should say that it was MY phase and Eddie just fell victim to it, but it wasn’t like he was complaining. It wasn’t a super traditional version of fruit rice and I’d use these amazing juicy mushrooms and brown rice. But it was so, so good!

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And lately, I feel that craving coming back. Must have something to do with having babies.
I often make a bacon and egg fried rice because it’s such a simple meal. We usually have leftover brown jasmine rice (my favorite is from Trader Joe’s) and reheating it and eating it plain is just… blah. It’s so much better with some extra oooomph in it.
So here! I added some brussels sprouts and bacon which might just be theeeee combo of the fall and winter months.
Remember when I made that awesome maple bacon brussels sprouts salad? And I even made bacon brussels sprouts quesadillas? And bacon brussels sprouts carbonara pasta? I might be insane.
The only other fall combo I like more (or just as much) is butternut squash and brown butter. With fried sage. And parmesan!
See where my brain is?
All the fall comfort food.
This rice. It’s so simple. Terribly simple! If you have leftover rice, even better. If you don’t, no biggie. It will take you only about 15 minutes to make some quick cooking jasmine rice.
Also, I sort of broke the rules here and instead of adding the scrambled egg into my fried rice? I topped it WITH the egg. I could have done both; heck, you could do both. But I figured that I usually want two eggs and well… I probably didn’t need a third in there. You know.
And this is what I’m eating nonstop. Now you know.

Bacon Brussels Sprouts Fried Rice
- 1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice (preferably leftover from the day before)
- 6 slices thick-cut bacon, chopped
- 1 1/2 cups brussels sprouts, stems removed and sliced
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 to 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
- 4 green onions, sliced
- 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil, plus extra for drizzling
- 2 (or 4!) fried or poached eggs, depending on how many you want
- chili garlic paste for serving
Heat a large skillet or wok over low heat and add the bacon. Cook until the fat is almost all rendered and the bacon is crispy, then stir in the brussels sprouts. Toss well and cook until the brussels soften, stirring occasionally, about 5 to 6 minutes. Stir in the garlic.
Add in the rice, tossing to coat, then let it sit for 1 to 2 minutes to crisp up and get golden. Stir in the green onions, the soy sauce (start with only 1 tablespoon, since the bacon is salty!) and the sesame oil. Toss, breaking apart any pieces, and repeat for another 1 to 2 minutes. Repeat another 1 or 2 times until the rice is a bit crispy and golden.
At this point, taste the rice and if it needs seasoned a bit more, stir in the soy sauce. You can keep your rice over low heat and take a few minutes here to prepare your eggs, whether you fry them or poach them.
Spoon the rice into a bowl or a plate and top with the egg (or 2!), an extra drizzle of toasted sesame oil and some chili garlic paste. Eat up!
All images and text © .
Just want to live inside that little egg!