The Most Amazing Fresh Peach Pie {No Bake Filling}

This fresh peach pie is amazing and so easy! A quick no-bake filling makes the most of fresh, juicy peaches. Whipped cream? Not optional!

slice of fresh peach pie on white plate with spoonful of whipped cream on top

If you can get your hands on some fresh peaches, DO IT. As in, immediately. And then make this amazing fresh peach pie. 

It’s one of the best things to come out of this late summer harvest season. 

Although I already have a favorite classic peach pie (double pie crust + pretty lattice top + baked in the oven), this fresh peach pie is different, and dare I say, better?

The pie crust is baked, but the filling is a no-bake pie filling, cooking on the stovetop so it stays bright and fresh and juicy and AMAZING. 

slice of fresh peach pie on pie server

My sister-in-law, Erin, has made this pie for years and years and is kind of famous for it. I’ve heard all the rave reviews but never tasted it (she lives in Montana, I live in Idaho). I can’t give you a good reason why I’ve never made it myself before now, but don’t worry, I’ve definitely made up for lost time.

Making it three times in the last ten days should do it. If ever I thought peach pie was just peach pie, boy, was I wrong. This peach pie is incredible.

My family has gone completely bananas over it.

So have a few family friends: I brought it to a backyard BBQ last week and our faithful orthodontist-and-friend gave it 3 1/2 thumbs up and even volunteered to selflessly taste test it when I made it again. And then promptly asked me if I could make it again. Like, right away?

bite of fresh peach pie on fork on white plate

The Combination 

There are four elements to this pie: 

  • baked pie crust (more on that in a sec)
  • sliced fresh peaches (not frozen, not freeze-dried – FRESH and juicy)
  • a no-bake fresh peach pie filling
  • sweetened whipped cream

Don’t let the pie crust scare you or turn you off from making this pie. I use a traditional pie crust, but I have a feeling it would be pretty tasty with a graham cracker crust or something simpler if you want to experiment and try that. 

For an easy blind baked pie crust, grab a recipe for a single pie crust to fit a 9-inch pie plate. My go-to recipes for pie crust are: this super flaky, easy pie crust or this next-level sour cream pie crust

process shots of mixing pie crust and rolling it into pie plate with fluted edges

Make the pie dough. Chill it (if needed). Roll it out to fit the pie plate and trim and flute the edges (full tutorial how to do this here).

At this point, I cover with plastic wrap and chill until firm, about an hour, and then blind bake with parchment + pie weights until the crust is lightly golden and no longer doughy. Here’s a tutorial on blind baking like a pro.

When the pie crust is cooled, take two fresh peaches (you’ll need about five total for this recipe), and peel and thinly slice them. 

Place them on the bottom of the cooled pie crust. You want a very solid (maybe even double) layer of fresh peaches. 

baked pie shell with sliced fresh peaches evenly placed on the bottom

Fresh Peach Pie Filling

For this easy fresh peach pie filling, you’ll need:

  • three fresh, juicy peaches
  • cornstarch
  • fresh lemon juice
  • sugar
  • water

The key to the filling is to peel the peaches and then mash them until they are juicy and coarsely mashed (kind of like the consistency of chunky applesauce).

As noted in the recipe below, if your peaches are so ripe that juice would dribble down your chin if you bit into one, consider adding just a tad bit more cornstarch. The goal is to have a soft set filling. It won’t be firm like jello, but you also don’t want it super runny after it sets up.

process shots of making and cooking fresh peach pie filling

Cook the filling over medium heat until it is thick and slightly translucent (thank you, cornstarch).

Large bubbles will pop at the surface; if you scrape a spatula on the bottom of the pot, it’ll leave a well-defined trail that doesn’t fill in very quickly. That’s when you’ll know it’s ready.

If it doesn’t cook long enough, it won’t thicken up properly in the refrigerator. 

Add the butter and vanilla to the warm filling and stir until the butter is melted and well incorporated. Then, pour the warm filling on top of the sliced peaches and smooth evenly. 

pouring peach pie filling into pie

Double the Peaches

There are a number of things that make this pie absolutely worthy of your time (and worthy of those precious fresh peaches). 

But the most important, in my opinion, is the delightful contrast of peaches in two locations. 

  1. Juicy, tender peaches sliced on the bottom of the pie
  2. Mashed peaches in the pudding-like filling

The pie is bursting with fresh peach flavor! It just wouldn’t be the same without the two different peach layers. 

fresh peach pie with slice removed

This pie is phenomenal

The taste of flaky crust, soft peaches, luscious filling and whipped cream has to be as close to heaven as you can get in late summer. 

Just a couple gentle words of advice, friend to friend:

  • strongly consider doubling and making two pies (four pies would not be unacceptable either)
  • be prepared to find a quiet moment to eat your pie alone so you can mitigate the need to share AND so you can savor each bite with your eyes closed
  • do not be alarmed if you hear angels singing
  • start praying now for a good healthy crop of fresh peaches next year

Last time, I promise: this pie is phenomenal. Enjoy it!

slice of fresh peach pie on white plate with bite taken out

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Two Years Ago: Easy Thai Burgers with Peanut Sauce
Three Years Ago: Whole Grain Banana Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 
Four Years Ago: Roasted Garlic and White Bean Chili
Five Years Ago: Lightened Up Bowtie Chicken and Asparagus Alfredo
Six Years Ago: Creamy Chicken and Quinoa Cordon Bleu Casserole 
Seven Years Ago: Cinnamon and Chili Pork Tenderloin with Fresh Apple Salsa 
Eight Years Ago: Pasta al Forno {Baked Pasta with Tomatoes and Mozzarella} 

Yield: 9-inch pie

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Additional Time: 4 hours

Total Time: 5 hours 30 minutes

Amazing Fresh Peach Pie


Pie Crust + Other:

  • 9-inch pie crust recipe (see note)
  • 2 medium fresh peaches
  • Sweetened whipped cream, for serving


  • 1 cup (7.5 ounces) granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 3 medium fresh peaches
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (can sub with almond extract)
  • 2 tablespoons butter


  1. For the pie crust: roll out the pie crust and fit it into a 9-inch pie plate, trimming and fluting the edges (tutorial on how to do this here). With the tines of a fork, prick all over the bottom of the crust. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for an hour (or up to several days).
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Gently press a piece of parchment paper or regular aluminum foil into the chilled pie shell and fill with dry beans or pie weights. Bake for 45-50 minutes, rotating halfway, until the crust is lightly golden and no longer doughy.
  3. Remove the pie crust from the oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes. Carefully remove the parchment/foil and weights. Let the pie crust cool completely.
  4. For the sliced peaches: peel two peaches and slice them thinly (about 1/8- to 1/4-inch). Place the sliced peaches evenly over the bottom of the pie; it’s ok to end up with a double layer. Set aside.
  5. For the filling: peel the remaining three peaches, cut the peaches into chunks and put them in a medium saucepan. Using a pastry blender, potato masher, or a couple forks, mash the peaches until juicy and the consistency of chunky applesauce (don’t puree until smooth). You should end up with about 2 cups of mashed peaches.
  6. Add the sugar, cornstarch (see note), water, and lemon juice to the saucepan with the peaches. Stir to combine. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom of the pan, for 5-6 minutes until large bubbles pop at the surface. Continue cooking until the mixture has thickened considerably. Scraping a spoon or spatula across the bottom of the saucepan should leave a defined path that doesn’t fill in very quickly.
  7. Off the heat, add the vanilla and butter stirring until the butter is melted and well-incorporated.
  8. Pour the warm filling over the sliced peaches and spread evenly.
  9. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours (or up to 24 hours) until the filling has cooled and is soft set. This pie can be made a day ahead of time.
  10. Serve the pie with lightly sweetened whipped cream (spread the whipped cream over the pie before serving or serve slices of pie with a dollop of whipped cream on top).


Pie Crust Recipes: I have two favorite pie crust recipes. This flaky homemade pie crust recipe is great for beginners, and is very often my go-to. I also love this sour cream pie crust recipe (it’s amazing).

Cornstarch: if your peaches are extra juicy (think: juice dripping down your chin if you bit into one), increase the cornstarch by another tablespoon. This pie is soft set and isn’t meant to be super firm; for fresh peaches that are ripe but not swimming in juice, I use the 1/4 cup called for in the recipe.

Fresh Peaches: it kind of goes without saying that the deliciousness of this pie relies on fresh peaches. Not crunchy peaches. Not frozen peaches. Fresh, juicy peaches (that are soft enough to mash easily). Make it happen.

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Recipe Source: from my sister-in-law, Erin W.

Posted on September 14, 2020 by Mel

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